In January-November 2024, investments at 15910,3 million manats were directed to fixed assets.In January-November 2024 4,1 percent more gross domestic product was produced in the country.In January-September 2024 average monthly nominal salary made 993,0 manats.In January-July 2024 foreign trade turnover of the country made 26239,4 million USD.In August 2024, consumer price index was 103,5 percent compared to August 2023.In January-August 2024, retail trade turnover increased in real terms by 3,5 percent.In January-August 2024, industrial products at 42,4 billion manats were produced.
(14.08.2015) - The 53rd Council Meeting of Heads of National Statistical Services of CIS member countries and meeting on problems in assessment of main indicators received on the base of statistical surveys on population census and Labour Force (labour market and labour migration) held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
(14.08.2015) - Tahir Budagov has been appointed appointed Chairman of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
(14.07.2015) - INOGATE Regional Seminar on Energy Planning - “From Energy Statistics to Energy Policies: helping INOGATE Partner Countries adopt adequate institutional frameworks, methodologies and tools” held in Chisinau, Moldova.
(03.07.2015) - Workshop organized together with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) held in Rome
(17.06.2015) - High Level Seminar on 'Quality in Statistics: The National Statistical system' held in Riga, Latvia
(01.06.2015) - Workshop on Water Resources Statistics and Water Indicators and working group session on Ecological Indicators held in Geneva
(20.05.2015) - Working Group Meeting for the Revision of the International Classification of Status in Employment held in Geneva
(04.05.2015) - Workshop on the Modernization of Statistical Production was held in Geneva
(10.04.2015) - Training Course on 'Quality Frameworks and Measurement of Performance of Statistical Systems and Offices' in Tajikistan
(01.04.2015) - Training Workshop on the Compilation of Quarterly National Accounts for Economic Cooperation Organization Member Countries held in Tehran
(30.03.2015) - Regional workshop on shared environmental information system and green growth held in Paris
(18.03.2015) - 46th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
(26.12.2014) - Training Course on Information Economy Statistics held in Almaty, Kazakhstan
(26.12.2014) - Regional Conference on Turin process held in Tbilisi, Georgia
(24.12.2014) - The results of the 52nd Meeting of Council of the Heads of Statistical Services of CIS member countries and the seminar on development of labor statistics in CIS member countries: problems and perspectives of data exchange
(22.12.2014) - Representatives of the State Statistical Committee participated in the UNDA 9th tranche: Kick-off meeting, held in Almaty, Kazakhstan
(10.12.2014) - Regional Seminar on Industrial Statistics Questionnaires held in Austria, Vienna
(09.12.2014) - INOGATE Energy Statistics Network Meeting and International Conference on Achievement of Energy Statistics Action Plans (2012-2014) and Importance of Improving Data Quality for Energy Statistics, Balances and Planning held in Zagreb, Croatia
(08.12.2014) - Workshop on Geographic Information Systems held in Tbilisi, Georgia
(04.12.2014) - The training course on “SDMX” for data and metadata exchange, basic course held in Luxembourg
(01.12.2014) - Meeting on Specification of the initial prices of investment goods in the frame of International Comparison Program held in Moscow
(26.11.2014) - Training Program for Strengthening Statistical Capacity: Improving Population Statistics held in Daejeon, Republic of Korea
(25.11.2014) - Results of the Child Rights Monitoring meeting organized by UNICEF in Luxembourg
(20.11.2014) - Workshops on Air related Indicators, Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators and Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment held in Geneva
(04.11.2014) - Statistical publication “Small Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan” was published
(03.11.2014) - Workshop on assessment of value of natural resources and of other non-produced tangible assets have been conducted in Czech Statistical Office
(30.10.2014) - Training Course on “Use of Administrative Registers in Production of Statistics”, Warsaw, Poland
(29.10.2014) - International Workshop on Human Resources Management and Training in Geneva
(24.10.2014) - Training course of International Energy Agency held in Paris, France
(16.10.2014) - Training course on Demographic Forecasting held in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
(13.10.2014) - Results of Expert Group Meeting and Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses organized in Geneva
(01.10.2014) - Training Course on Advanced Methods for Sample Surveys organized in Neuchatel, Switzerland
(01.10.2014) - The results of 5th ENPI-SEIS Steering Committee meeting held in Copenhagen
(01.10.2014) - High Level Seminar on 'Quality in Statistics: How to manage change' held in Chisinau, Moldova
(23.09.2014) - High-level Meeting for Coordinated Implementation of International Standards for Macroeconomic Statistics held in Vladivostok, Russian Federation
(23.09.2014) - Workshop on Migration Statistics held in Chisinau, Moldova
(23.09.2014) - Representative of the State Statistical Committee participated in the meeting of the Expert Group on Measuring Quality of Employment held in Berlin, Germany
(16.09.2014) - Statistical publication “Environment, Forestry, Fishery and Hunting in Azerbaijan” was published
(12.09.2014) - Statistical publication “Main economic indicators of agricultural enterprises and private owner farms” was published
(12.09.2014) - Statistical publication “Industry of Azerbaijan” was published