Last updated: 29.11.2024
Main indicators of the enterprises operating in the energy sector
Crude oil and natural gas production, the main indicators of enterprises operating in this field
Main indicators of manufacture of refined petroleum products
Main indicators of electricity, gas and steam production, distribution steam of supply
Energy consumption and share of electricity in energy consumption
Energy capacity
Energy efficiency indicators
Renewable energy supply
Use of fuel types in total energy supply
Final consumption of energy by types of economic activity
Volume of energy products consumed for the production of product in amount of 1 manat (at current prices) in the industrial sectors
Volume of energy products used for the production of industrial value added (at current prices) of 1 manat
Volume of energy products consumed for the production of industrial value added (in comparable prices) of 1 manat
Volume of electricity consumed for the production of product in amount of 1 manat (at current prices) in the industrial sectors
The volume of electricity consumed for the production of valued added in amount of 1 manat (in comparable prices) in the industrial sectors
The volume of natural gas consumed for production of product in amount of 1 manat (at current prices) in the industrial sectors
The volume of natural gas consumed for production of value added in amount of 1 manat (in comparable prices) in the industrial sectors
Investments in fixed assets directed to the energy sector
Energy balance by products in 2007
Energy balance by products in 2008
Energy balance by products in 2009
Energy balance by products in 2010
Energy balance by products in 2011
Energy balance by products in 2012
Energy balance by products in 2013
Energy balance by products in 2014
Energy balance by products in 2015
Energy balance by products in 2016
Energy balance by products in 2017
Energy balance by products in 2018
Energy balance by products in 2019
Energy balance by products in 2020
Energy balance by products in 2021
Energy balance by products in 2022
Energy balance by products in 2023
Production of energy products
Import of energy products
Export of energy products
International bunkers
Stocks changes
Total energy supply
Statistical difference
Transformation processes
Energy industries own use
Final consumption
Final energy consumption
Non-energy use
Electricity and heat production expenses of energy products
Crude oil (including gas condensate)
Natural bitum and natural asphalt
Refinery gas
Liquefied gases
Motor gasoline
Kerosene - type jet fuel
Other kerosene
Diesel fuel (gas oil)
Fuel oil
Petroleum coke
Other petroleum products
Natural gas
Other fuel products
Refinery feed-stocks
Consumption of energy products in the industrial sector
Consumption of energy products in the construction sector
Consumption of energy products in the transport sector
Consumption of energy products in the agriculture, forestry and fishing
Consumption of energy products in the commerce and public services
Consumption of energy products in the households
Fuel - energy balances
Consumption of fuel - energy resources by economic activity types
Basic fuel - energy resources
Specific gravity of fuel - energy resources
Fuel-energy balances in 2000
Fuel-energy balances in 2001
Fuel-energy balances in 2002
Fuel-energy balances in 2003
Fuel-energy balances in 2004
Fuel-energy balances in 2005
Fuel-energy balances in 2006
Production (extraction) of fuel and energy by kind
Consumption of fuel and energy by kind
Import of fuel and energy by kind
Export of fuel and energy by kind
Stock to the beginning of the year of fuel and energy by kind
Stock to the end of the year of fuel and energy by kind
Structure of natural fuel-energy resources
Heat energy
Сrude oil, including gas condensate
Natural gas
Liquid gas
Diesel fuel
Fuel oil
Kerosene for aviation and other
Lubricating oil
Oil coke
E-version of publication
Statistical collection “Energy of Azerbaijan” ” contains national energy balance, commodity balance of energy products and other necessary information on energy statistics for 2019-2023 years. Collection consists of 5 sections: 1st section covers main indicators of energy enterprises’ activities, energy consumption and share of electricity in energy consumption, energy capacity, energy efficiency in the industrial sectors, 2nd section – energy balance and distribution of balance by sectors, 3rd section - commodity balances of energy products, 4th section - consumption of energy products by types of economic activity, 5th section - output of crude oil and natural gas, power of electric stations, on air pollution by enterprises operated in different branches of economy etc. was informed about.
The current energy balance is based on requirements of “International Recommendations on Energy Statistics” that was prepared by International Energy Agency, Eurostat and other international organizations and 21 countries, including Oslo Group, where Azerbaijan is one of the members and adopted on February 2011 at the 42nd session of the UN Statistical Commission.
Brief methodological guidelines for compiling energy balances, “Conversion rate” and “Alphabetical list of indicators” are provided to facilitate finding indicators.
In cases of using statistics in publications and printing works, it should be referred to the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Conventional signs:
« - » not applicable
« ... » data not available
« 0.0 » data characterized by the least number
In some cases discrepancy between total and the summed is explained by rounding.
The current energy balance is based on requirements of “International Recommendations on Energy Statistics” that was prepared by International Energy Agency, Eurostat and other international organizations and 21 countries, including Oslo Group, where Azerbaijan is one of the members and adopted on February 2011 at the 42nd session of the UN Statistical Commission.
Brief methodological guidelines for compiling energy balances, “Conversion rate” and “Alphabetical list of indicators” are provided to facilitate finding indicators.
In cases of using statistics in publications and printing works, it should be referred to the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Conventional signs:
« - » not applicable
« ... » data not available
« 0.0 » data characterized by the least number
In some cases discrepancy between total and the summed is explained by rounding.