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In January-May 2024 gross domestic product in amount of 48026,0 million manats was produced in the country.In January-May 2024, investments at 6640,9 million manats were directed to fixed assets.For the state of May 1, 2024 number of employees engaged in the country economy made 1749,7 thsd. persons.In January-April 2024 4,3 percent more gross domestic product was produced in the country.In January-March 2024 average monthly nominal salary in the country made 985,3 manats.In January-April 2024, investments at 5230,4 million manats were directed to fixed assets.In January-February 2024 gross domestic product in amount of 18576,9 million manats was produced.In January 2024 industrial products at 5,2 billion manats were produced.For the state of 1st January of the current year winter crops for grain and green feed were sown in the area of 1025,4 thousand hectare.For the state of December 1, 2023 number of employees engaged in the country economy made 1732,6 thsd. persons.In January-April 2023, retail trade turnover increased by 2.9 percent in real terms.The foreign trade turnover of the country in January-March 2023 made 12269,3 million USD.In January-April 2023 the Republic of Azerbaijan received 522,9 thousand foreigners and stateless persons.50.2% of the total population of the country was women for the beginning of 2023.In January-March 2023, 368.9 thousand foreigners and stateless persons arrived in the Republic of Azerbaijan.In January-February 2023, retail trade turnover increased by 2.8 percent in real terms.In January-February 2023, the consumer price index was 113.9% compared to January-February 2022.50,2 percent of total number of population made up women to the beginning of 2023In 2022 cargo transportation in Azerbaijan side of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Transport Corridor was 51420,6 thousand ton.Industrial products at 6,5 billion manats were produced in January 2023.
Last updated: 04.07.2024


Demographic indicators of Azerbaijan

Methodological explanations Groupping of regions, urban places and rural settlements by number of population at the beginning of 2023 Population change Population by sex and age groups National (ethnic) composition of population , distribution of population by native language and freely command of languages Literary of population aged 15 years old and over
  • Economic regions and administrative territorial units
  • Territories, number and density of population by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan Administrative territorial divisions by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022 Resident population by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan Population by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan Population by sex, economic regions and administrative territorial units and urban settlements of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 2023 Average annual number of population by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022 Population at age 14-29 by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 2023 Population by sex, economic regions and administrative territorial units and urban settlements of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 2000-2022 Information on the number of population by age groups in the economic regions and administrative territorial units of the Republic of Azerbaijan as of January 1, 2020-2023
    Sections characterize demographic processes in the country and reflect on administrative-territorial division, population size and composition, general indicators of population reproduction, birth rate, death rate, death rate by causes, marriages and divorces, migration and information related with international comparisons.
    The section " Administrative - territorial divisions, number and structure of population" contains information on administrative-territorial division of the regions of Azerbaijan, grouping of urban and rural settlements by size of population, population size, distribution of population by sex and age groups, national (ethnic) composition of population, native language and other languages, literacy rate of the population;
    The section "General indicators of population reproduction" contains information about births, deaths and natural growth of population, total fertility rate of urban and rural population, life expectancy at birth, reproduction rate of population;
    The section "Birth" covers information on live births by age of mother, number of live births by birth order, number of children born by oficially or not officially married mother by age of mother and birth order, average age of mother at childbirth, and live births by marital status of mothers;
    The section "Death" contains information on number of deaths by sex and age groups and urban and rural settlements, death rates, number of death at able-bodied age,maternal mortality, infant mortality and children's death under five years;
    The section "Death by causes" includes information on main causes of death among the total population and infant under 1 year and death rates by urban and rural settlements.
    The section "Marriages and divorces" includes information on number of marriages and divorces, average age at marriage, divorces by duration of marriages and age of divorced, number of divorces in families having children, marriages by age of the bride and groom, distribution of families by number of family members and number of children;
    The section "Migration" covers information Breakdown of persons arriving and departing to Azerbaijan from foreign countries for permanent residency and distribution of migrants by sex and age groups;
    The section "Demographic indicators by world countries" contains some demographic indicators by different countries in the world.

    Conventional sings:
    « - » not applicable.
    « ... » data not available.
    « 0.0 » data characterized by the least number.
    « x » not comparable.