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Last updated: 28.08.2024
Children under 18 years old by economic regions and administrative territorial units at the beginning of 2024 Natural increase, births and deaths of the population by sex and by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Crude rate of natural increase, birth and death by sex and by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Infant mortality under 1 year old by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Infant mortality rate by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Number of children born to officially unmarried women by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Divorces registered by official bodies in families with children aged under 18 years old by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 State pre-school educational institutions by economic regions and administrative territorial units at the beginning of 2024 State general educational institutions at the beginning of 2023/2024 school years by economic regions and administrative territorial units Distribution of students graduated general educational institutions and received school-leaving certificate and admitted to higher educational institutions in 2023 by sex Morbidity of children aged under 18 years old by disease groups in economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Morbidity of children of age 0-13 years old by disease groups by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023 Morbidity of children of age 14-17 years old by disease groups by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2023
E-version of Publication
The statistical publication includes following sections: demographic indicators, education and culture, medical-preventive services, social protection, diseases and cases of death, crime, and data by economic regions and administrative territorial units. The publication mainly covers 1990-2022.
Information on size of children, birth, death and natural increase rates as well as indicators on preschool institutions, general educational schools, diseases of the children by economic regions and administrative territorial units of the country are also included in this yearbook.
The statistical publication intended for economists, managers, mass media and wide readers.
When using statistical data a reference must be made to the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.