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On January-June 2024 average monthly nominal salary made 1002,8 manats.In January-July 2024 4,5 percent more gross domestic product was produced.In January-July 2024, investments at 9438,7 million manats were directed to fixed assets.In January-May 2024 gross domestic product in amount of 48026,0 million manats was produced in the country.For the state of May 1, 2024 number of employees engaged in the country economy made 1749,7 thsd. persons.In January 2024 industrial products at 5,2 billion manats were produced.For the state of 1st January of the current year winter crops for grain and green feed were sown in the area of 1025,4 thousand hectare.For the state of December 1, 2023 number of employees engaged in the country economy made 1732,6 thsd. persons.In January-April 2023, retail trade turnover increased by 2.9 percent in real terms.The foreign trade turnover of the country in January-March 2023 made 12269,3 million USD.In January-April 2023 the Republic of Azerbaijan received 522,9 thousand foreigners and stateless persons.50.2% of the total population of the country was women for the beginning of 2023.In January-March 2023, 368.9 thousand foreigners and stateless persons arrived in the Republic of Azerbaijan.In January-February 2023, retail trade turnover increased by 2.8 percent in real terms.In January-February 2023, the consumer price index was 113.9% compared to January-February 2022.50,2 percent of total number of population made up women to the beginning of 2023In 2022 cargo transportation in Azerbaijan side of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Transport Corridor was 51420,6 thousand ton.Industrial products at 6,5 billion manats were produced in January 2023.
Last updated: 02.07.2024

Budget of households

Money income of households - include labor incomes of all categories of population, pensions, allowances, benefits, and other social transfers, income from sale of agricultural products, income received from ownership, bonds, dividends, income of persons engaged in commercial activity, income from sale of foreign currency and other incomes of family members.
Consumption expenditures of households - are expenditures for food stuff, alcoholic drinks and rendered services. Consumption expenditures do not include household taxes, payments, debts, aliments assistance to relatives, fines, consumption for credits and others.
Cash disbursement of households - reflect all actual expenses of household members during survey. Investment, expenses for purchasing of foreign currencies and securities, and money deposits are not included in cash disbursement.
Distribution of population by money income - characterizes number of population (share) by per capita money income in given certain intervals and stratification by financial situation.
Food product value in household - include foodstuff purchasing for consumption in household and expenses for feeding in outside, and value of foodstuff receiving in kind.
Final consumption expenditures of households - include consumption expenditures, foodstuff received in kind, supports and value terms of preference. Value of foodstuff, of which are not considered for using in household, are not included in final consumption expenditures.
Disposable income of households - include total value of financial means for creating of savings and supports and preference and calculated as total number of income of households, loans and credits.
Purchasing ability of money income of population - is the equivalent of monthly money income of population to product, i.e. is a kilogram of product, which is possible to buy.
On receiving of indicators on quintile (20%) groups it is created 5 equal 20% group by household's number at the disposal of household per capita incomes in ascending order. The households with low incomes would be indicated in the first quintile and the household with high incomes - in the fifth quintile. Decil groups (10 %) are divided in to 10 equal parts where indicators are shown in same order. The same indicators are also shown for analyse and comparison by consumption expenditures.
Sample survey of households budget - is the method of statistical observation of living standards of population by the state and is carried out by bodies of state statistics in accordance with "Rules of statistical work in Azerbaijan".
Sample survey of households budget is carried out to get economic-statistical information on living-standards of different strata and groups of population. Its information is widely used when regulating Consumer Price Indices, conducting of National Accounts System, analyzing changes in living standards of population and preparing activities system on Social protection of population.