AZ    EN
Confirmed by the decree of the
State Statistical Committee of the
the Republic of Azerbaijan-
dated April 30, 2007, 58/t

on Scientific and Methodological Council
of the State Statistical Committee
of the Republic of Azerbaijan

I. General provisions

1.1. This statue defines main duties, rights and organization rules of activities of the Scientific and Methodological Council (hereinafter referred to as Council) created by the order of the State Statistical Committee number -/ t dated 30 April, 2007 according to the regulation on the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan number 323 dated 24 November, 2005.
1.2. The Council functions on public basis and it was created by the purpose of studying practices of advanced countries of the world and applying them in Azerbaijan, as well as, application of methodology and standards adopted in the practice of international statistics correspondingly to the policy implemented by the State Statistical Committee in the field of official statistics, creation of new statistics fields in the system of official statistics and preparation of suggestions and recommendations on statistical methodology on reform of available statistical fields and improvement of it.
1.3. The Council implements its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, decrees and orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Regulation of the State Statistical Committee, its orders, decisions and directions, other normative-legal acts, as well as, this Regulation.
1.4. The Council implements its activities with the structural sectors of the State Statistical Committee, with the agencies subordinate legal status of the Committee and with the scientific and educational enterprises.

II. Main Duties of the Council

2.    The main purpose of the Council is consist of applying methodology and standards adopted in the international statistical practice according to the policy implemented by the State Statistical Committee, creation of new statistical fields, official statistical report and other forms of statistical observations in the official statistical system, as well as, reform of available statistical fields and improvement of them according to the social-economic processes carried out in the country, preparation of suggestions based on scientific-methodology and practice and adoption of decisions within their powers. By this purpose the Council:
2.1. coordinates national statistical methodology to the international methodology and activities on constantly improvement of it;
2.2. improves official statistical report forms, constantly simplifies and unificates them and carries out constantly activities on gradually reducing the statistical burden of natural and legal entities presented report;
2.3. controls new statistical report forms, statistical surveys, inquires, monitoring, as well as other types of statistical observations planned by the Departments of the State Statistical Committee and documents presented to the Council and determines compliance of them to the international conceptions, classifications and methods;
2.4. gives comments to the application of advanced information technologies as well as, software on statistical reports and indicators system in the state statistical bodies;
2.5. gives comments and reference to the scientific- researches and reports on statistical fields carried out by scientific and educational institutions and entered to the Committee for the comment;
2.6. if necessary, discuses other scientific-methodological issues on organization and activity of official statistics by the initiative of members of the Council, structural units of the State Statistical Committee and organizations under its subordination;
2.7. prepares recommendations on methodological issues in accordance with the instructions of the Chairman and the Board of the State Statistical Committee.

III. Rights of the Council

3.    The Council has the following rights for the implementation of its duties:
3.1. to give suggestions to the Chairman and to the Board on improvement and development of official statistics;
3.2. to attract scientists and highly qualified experts to the discussion of issues discussed at the Council;
3.3. to cooperate with similar institutions of statistical services of foreign countries by the purpose of improvement national statistical system;
3.4. to give suggestions to the discussion of updated issues in the Board meetings of the State Statistical Committee.

IV. Organization of the activities of the Council

4.1. The Council operates with single number of members (including the Chairman and Deputy Chairman).
4.2. The Chairman of the Council leads the activities of the Council.
4.3. The Chairman and the members of the Council appoints by the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee.
4.4. The Chairman of the Council creates the activities of the Council on the basis of principles of collegiality.
4.5. Meetings of the Council are carried out at least once a month in accordance with the working plan approved by the Chairman of the Council. Meetings also could be carried out of turn if necessary.
4.6. The Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council;
- Organizes the activity of the Council;
- Approves the decisions of the Council;
- Gives suggestions on the structure of the members, as well as, to the change of them;
- Gives instructions within its power;
- If necessary, presents the decisions of the Council to the discussion of the Board Meeting of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
4.7. Meetings of the Council are authorized when more than half of the members of the Council participate in the meetings.
4.8. The decisions of the Council is adopted by the simple majority vote of the council members and formalized by protocols.
4.9. To solve the issues related to the conduction of meetings of the Council and clerical works are carried out by the Secretary of the Council.
4.10. The Secretary of the Council carries out following functions:
4.10.1. Two days before the meeting informs the members of the Council about the date of the meeting and delivers agenda (in a paper and electron form);
4.10.2. Collects suggestions from the members of the Council on discussed issues in the Council meetings and presents report about this to the Chairman of the Council;
4.10.3. Protocols meetings of the Council, speeches, comments and suggestions and presents the drafts of final documents of the meeting to the Chairman of the Council;
4.10.4. Informs the members of the Council about adopted decision during the meeting of the Council;
4.10.5. Implements other functions by the instruction of the Chairman of the Council. S T A T U T