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Yearbooks release calendar

Yearbooks release calendar in 2025
No Title of yearbooks Date
1. Statistical Indicators of Azerbaijan September
2. Azerbaijan in figures June
3. Azerbaijan – facts and figures (booklet) June
4. Statistical infographics September
5. Demographic Indicators of Azerbaijan August
6. Women and men in Azerbaijan September
7. Children in Azerbaijan August
8. Youth of Azerbaijan September
9. Labour Market August
10. Civil Servants June
11. New job places (quarterly) 40-th day after reporting period
12. National Accounts of Azerbaijan September
13. Micro, small and medium entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan November
14. Industry of Azerbaijan August
15. Construction in Azerbaijan August
16. Energy of Azerbaijan August
17. Environment in Azerbaijan August
18. Agriculture of Azerbaijan August
19. Main economic indicators of agricultural enterprises and private entrepreneurial farms August
20. Food balances of Azerbaijan August
21. Trade in Azerbaijan July
22. Foreign Trade of Azerbaijan July
23. Education, Science and Culture in Azerbaijan August
24. Healthcare, social protection and housing conditions in Azerbaijan July
25. Offences in Azerbaijan July
26. Tourism in Azerbaijan June
27. Transport of Azerbaijan July
28. Telecommunication and post in Azerbaijan July
29. Digital development in Azerbaijan July
30. Prices in Azerbaijan May
31. Regions of Azerbaijan November
32. Sustainable development goals: statistical yearbook December
33. Results of household budget survey July