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E - services

By the purpose to ensure the execution of decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 23 May 2011, 429 on some measures in the field of organizing the provision of electronic services by state bodies and public legal entities created by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and dated 12 September 2018, 263 on the approval of the Rules for the formation, management, integration and archiving of state information resources and systems and some measures related to electronic government, "Rules for provision of electronic services in specific fields by central executive authorities and public legal entities created by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and Resolution dated 24 November 2011, 191 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the "List of electronic services" the State Statistical Committee carries out e-services on the following directions:

- Submission of official statistical reports;
- Presentation of Release Calendar of Statistical Data and Distribution Calendar of Published Data;
- Submission of statistical data (indicators);
- Online Selling of Statistical Publications (books);
- Payment of administrative fines for violation of the rules for provision of statistical data via the internet;
- Issuance of an electronic reference to the business entity on the category to which it belongs according to its size.

As a result of the mentioned electronic services statistical unit (legal unit or entreprenur) submits all official statistical reports in electronic form without coming to the statistical authorities, the user of statistical information obtains published information on all areas of the economy and social life, as well as other statistical information interested him in electronic form, gets the statistical compendium (book) without coming to the Committee by paying its cost online, a legal unit or entrepreneur who has been subject to an administrative penalty for violating the rules of providing statistical data pays the fine online via the Internet without going to the bank and at the same time the business entity obtains the reference to the category it belongs to according to its size electronically, without coming to the State Statistical Committee.