Last updated: 14.08.2024
Digital development
ICT household
Computer access and use
Internet access and use
Telephone access and use
Other household ICT indicators
ICT access and use by households and individuals
Distribution of portable devices used to connect to the Internet
Distribution of household ICT expenditures
Use of ICT by persons with disabilities
Distribution of the population ICT use by economic activity
Distribution of the population ICT use by profession
Computers in households
Computers per 1000 inhabitants by households
Distribution of computers in households by economic regions
Distribution of computers in households by types
Distribution of equipments by types of internet connection
Distribution of equipment by type of wireless connection to the Internet
Reasons of unavailability of home internet access
Frequency of computer use by population (within the last 3 months)
Frequency of internet use (within the last 3 months)
Distribution of computer users by age groups
Distribution of internet users by age groups
Place of internet use (within last 3 months)
Distribution of TV sets by types of receivers
Distribution of computer users by educational attainments
Distribution of internet users by educational attainment
Proportion of households with computers
Proportion of home internet access
Computer users per 100 inhabitants
Internet users per 100 inhabitants
Internet users per 100 inhabitants by gender
Number of computers available in enterprises
Number of enterprises using computers
Number of computers with internet access in enterprises
Enterprises with Internet access
Distribution of enterprises by ICT networks used
Distribution of enterprises by type of Internet connection
Distribution of enterprises by purposes of Internet use
Distribution of enterprises according to the speed of internet connection
Number of enterprises with Web site (Web page)
Proportion of enterprises using computers in acting enterprises
Share of enterprises with Internet access in total number of enterprises using computer
Share of enterprises with Internet access in total number of all enterprises
Share of computers with Internet access in enterprises in total number of computers
Number of employees used of computers in the enterprises
Number of employees using Internet
Distribution of employees using Internet by gender
Distribution of enterprises used computers by the number of employees
Distribution of enterprises connecing to Internet by number of employees
Number of employees using computers in relation to pay-roll of employees working in
enterprises having computer
Number of employees using computer in relation to pay-roll of employees worked in operating enterprises
Number of employees using Internet in enterprises in relation to pay-roll of employees
working in enterprises with Internet access
Number of employees using Internet in enterprises in relation to pay-roll of employees
working in all operating enterprises
Number of computers in the enterprises
Number of enterprises using computers
Enterprises having computers with Internet access
Enterprises with Internet access
Proportion of enterprises using computers in acting enterprises
Share of enterprises with Internet access in total number of enterprises used computers
Share of enterprises with Internet access in total number of enterprises
Share of computers with Internet access in enterprises in total number of all computers
Number of employees using computers
Distribution of employees using computers by gender
Number of employees using Internet
Number of employees using computers in relation to pay-roll of employees working in enterprises having computer
Number of employees using computer in relation to pay-roll of employees working in operating enterprises
Number of employees using Internet in relation to pay-roll of employees working in enterprises with Internet access
Number of employees using Internet in relation to pay-roll of employees working in all operating enterprises
Number of schools having computer
Number of available computers in schools
Number of schools provided with main telecommunication or telephone
Schools with internet access
Number of computers connected to internet
Number of pupils used internet
Provision of state day general educational schools with electricity, information and communication technologies
Availability of local and electron net work in the state day general educational schools
E-version of publication
The current survey covering more than 30.4 thousand members of households aged 7 years old and over that were selected by sample random method, has been carried out for the purpose to obtain updated data for 2023. This survey involved all legal entities. Individual entrepreneurs operating without establishing a legal entity were not involved in this observation.
There have been reflected wide information on ICT systems, availability and use of computers, access to Internet, Internet use, e-skills of population in the households and enterprises on 2019-2023, as well as main macro indicators on ICT sector, import and export of ICT products in the yearbook.
Conventional symbols:
« - » no such phenomenon exists;
« ... » no data available;
« 0 » value is negligible.
In some cases, negligible distinction between the total and sum is explained by rounding of figures.
There have been reflected wide information on ICT systems, availability and use of computers, access to Internet, Internet use, e-skills of population in the households and enterprises on 2019-2023, as well as main macro indicators on ICT sector, import and export of ICT products in the yearbook.
Conventional symbols:
« - » no such phenomenon exists;
« ... » no data available;
« 0 » value is negligible.
In some cases, negligible distinction between the total and sum is explained by rounding of figures.