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(11.09.2014) - Statistical publication “Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan” was published (08.09.2014) - Statistical publication “Labour Market” was published (08.09.2014) - Statistical publication “Youth of Azerbaijan” was published (29.08.2014) - Statistical publication “Education, Science and Culture in Azerbaijan” was published (22.08.2014) - Statistical publication “Healthcare, Social Security and Housing Conditions in Azerbaijan” was published (20.08.2014) - Statistical publication “Energy of Azerbaijan” was published (19.08.2014) - Training Course on 'Data Dissemination and Data Warehousing' in Azerbaijan (04.08.2014) - Statistical publication “Children in Azerbaijan” was published (31.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Construction in Azerbaijan” was published (31.07.2014) - Statistical publication “The Agriculture of Azerbaijan” was published (25.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Tourism and Services in Azerbaijan” was published (21.07.2014) - Workshop on Energy Statistics and Energy Balances in the frame of “INOGATE” programme was held in Vienna, Austria (21.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Women and Men in Azerbaijan” was published (10.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Food Balances of Azerbaijan” was published (08.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Telecommunication and Post in Azerbaijan” was published (08.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Transport of Azerbaijan” was published (07.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Information Society in Azerbaijan” was published (07.07.2014) - Meeting on forecasting of supply and demand to labor force in labor market in the Eastern Partnership Region was held in Turin, Italy (03.07.2014) - Statistical publication “Demographic indicators of Azerbaijan” was published (01.07.2014) - 9th Meeting of SPECA Project Working Group on Statistics, Baku, Azerbaijan (24.06.2014) - Workshop “Modernisation of Official Statistics”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation (18.06.2014) - International Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Information Beijing, China (13.06.2014) - Azerbaijan was represented in European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2014) (11.06.2014) - Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices held in Geneva (09.06.2014) - Workshop on Forest Products Statistics for National Statistical Correspondents held in Ankara, Turkey (05.06.2014) - Workshop on Water Information System and reporting of data on water and 8th Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators held in Geneva (29.05.2014) - Training course on National Accounts held in Tbilisi, Georgia (29.05.2014) - Regional Seminar on “Indices of Industrial Production (IIP)” held in Saint Petersburg, Russia (23.05.2014) - 9th meeting of the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics (06.05.2014) - Study visit in the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) on agricultural statistics (02.05.2014) - Meeting on Specification of the List of Consumer Goods held in Moscow (02.05.2014) - Meeting on the management of statistical information systems (MSIS) held in Dublin, Ireland (29.04.2014) - 62nd plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians held in Paris (09.04.2014) - Training Course on User friendly Dissemination of Statistics held in Minsk, Belarus (07.04.2014) - Workshop on “Gender Satatistics” and Working Session was held in Geneva (27.03.2014) - Participation of Deputy Chairman of the State Statistical Committee Yusif Yusifov in the forty fifth session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (15.01.2014) - Representatives of the State Statistical Committee participated in the Inception Seminar organized in Vienna International Centre (26.12.2013) - Training Program on “Statistical Database Design and Visualization Tools Development”, Ankara, Turkey (11.12.2013) - Representative of the State Statistical Committee participated in the Fourth meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for population and social statistics (09.12.2013) - Workshop on the Implementation and Links between the Systems of National Accounts 2008 and the Government Finance Statistics Manual in Istanbul, Turkey '