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Cases on administrative offences considered in a first instance courts

14.04.2023, 12:00

According to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in 2022, 93,7 thousand cases on administrative offences were considered in the first instance courts, and it is 30,2 percent more than indicator of 2021. 63,2 percent of them were related with the management rules, 5,4 percent - traffic rules, 3,9 percent - property, 3,7 percent - public rules, public safety and public morality, 3,0 percent - illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances, 2,7 percent - health, 0,9 percent - payment of taxes, dues, the financial and insurance rules, 0,8 percent - economic activity rules, 0,3 percent – custom rules and the rest were related to other administrative fines.

In 2022, administrative liability measures were applied on 54,1 percent of cases, 37,6 percent of proceedings were terminated, 8,3 percent of materials of persons who committed administrative offence were returned for additional inspection in cases or were sent to the relevant authorities.

According to the decisions on application of administrative liability measures, the number of persons brought to responsibility increased by 9,3 percent compared to the previous year and amounted to 50,7 thousand persons. 40,4 percent of persons who brought to administrative responsibility were applied administrative fines, 38,5 percent - restriction of special rights granted to individuals, 18,8 percent - administrative detention, 1,8 percent - social works, and 0,5 percent - other types of punishments.

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